D7 - From theriaca to pharmacogenetic medicines: Pharmacy history

Lomond Auditorium

Organised by the FIP Working Group on the History of Pharmacy in collaboration with the FIP Academic Pharmacy Section, the FIP Clinical Biology Section, the FIP Community Pharmacy Section, the FIP Health and Medicines Information Section, the FIP Hospital Pharmacy Section, the FIP Industrial Pharmacy Section and the International Society for the History of Pharmacy


Jacques Gravé (Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Pharmaceutique, France) and Uroš Čakar (University of Belgrade, Serbia)


Tomorrow’s drugs are the children of yesterday’s drugs. It is important for pharmacists to know how their profession has evolved. The history of drugs is exciting and allows you to go further and further into therapy with experience.


12:30 – 12:35 Introduction by the chairs

  1. 12:35 – 13:10 Make an exhaustive list of museum sites on the history of pharmacy – First exposed countries:
    France and Serbia
    Jacques Gravé (Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Pharmaceutique, France) and Uroš Čakar (University of
    Belgrade, Serbia)
  2. 13:10 – 13:45 The substance of desire: A pharmaco-historical perspective on Turkish aphrodisiacs
    Halil Tekiner (International Society for the History of Pharmacy, Turkey)
  3. 13:45 – 14:20 Advancements in drug discovery in Africa
    Didier Mouliom (FIP IPS, Cameroon)

14:20 – 14:30 Conclusion by the chairs

Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify drug discoveries during the history of different countries;
  2. Describe the evolution of therapies in these countries;
  3. Describe the influence of pharmacists in that evolution;
  4. Outline how tomorrow’s pharmacists will learn the lessons of their predecessors in order to make the medicines of tomorrow.

Type of session: Knowledge-based